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HUGS AND SLUGS: Local green thumbs get a thumbs up

Also, your dog is too loud
Someone stopped to smell the flowers. (File photo)

SLUGS: To the company responsible for the noisy machinery in the Safeway parking lot. It's very annoying for the neighbourhood!

SLUGS: To house sitters who steal and then refuse to come clean.

HUGS: To the great gardeners. The purple irises on John's Walk by Anderson Creek look fabulous!

SLUGS: To the neighbour who doesn't make any effort to stop their dog from constantly barking when outside. You are not the only one who likes to spend time in their yard in the nice weather.

SLUGS: Big slimy slugs for not installing bear proof garbage bins. Why spend money on painted crosswalks?

HUGS: To all the individuals and businesses who have made donations of food and other items such as clothing, tents, and sleeping bags to the homeless encampment at City Hall. Your support of our efforts is greatly appreciated!

BUT ALSO SLUGS: To those individuals who, maliciously or not, come to the encampment to trash the place and leave messes that the rest of us have to clean up. We do not appreciate your 'contribution.'

HUGS: Huge hug to the two ladies who saw me struggling to move furniture around in the back of a truck and graciously stopped to offer assistance. It was greatly appreciated and very thoughtful.

HUGS: To the kind gentleman who paid for our groceries. It was such a kind and thoughtful gesture. There are still wonderful people around who are very much appreciated. Thank you!

HUGS: Big hugs to L&C Bakery for posting signs asking people to consider the safety of pedestrians and not to park on the sidewalk. As a resident of the area, it is a continued frustration to find vehicles partially parked on the sidewalk blocking access for pedestrians, wheelchairs, walkers, strollers, etc. Vehicles often park in front of the fire hydrant and in no-park zones.

HUGS: To the City of Nelson bus driver driving along Houston St. on June 13. Thank you for being very good at your job and watching out for kids like me. I forgot all about street safety when I darted out in front of you. I was excited and running to grab a toy for my friend. You stopped, gave me a honk and waited to make sure I stayed on the sidewalk before continuing on. You were safe when I was not. My mom and dad tell me to write “a million thank yous.” Signed, looking forward to my sixth birthday. 

Have a hug or slug to tell everyone about? Email